What’s wrong?

what's wrong - illustration

I’ve experienced some weird stuff this weekend. So I have chronic pain on a daily basis. (Years ago it was diagnosed as fibromyalgia.) But I’m finding out if it’s related to trauma. (and that’s hard scary work) I’m trying to find out more about where this daily pain comes from. (usually it’s at night, you can imagine that getting a full night’s sleep is barely possible.) But yeah, figuring things out, I think that opened a door or something, because I have this huge neck pain, it’s really awful. Can’t sleep because of this pain. It makes me very anxious. It’s ‘neck pain day four’ now.

Rather than examining what caused the pain (what I used to do), I was in a part that was mega panicking, that didn’t want anything, too anxious about what might come out.
I have to try to reassure more inside. Telling ourselves it’s going to be okay. The pain will pass. (I don’t know when, but it will pass) You’re safe now. You don’t have to be afraid anymore.

Oh boy, suddenly in a metal mood,🤘 maybe I didn’t headbang enough. It feels like 10 years ago I was on a (metal) concert. Yeah, that’s probably it. Just not headbanging enough, that’s why we have such neck pain. Looool.

Oh and I just want to say that I think all of you are brave fighters. I see you. Life is hard sometimes and the bravest thing you can do is to keep fighting for another day.❤

PS: Mijn excuses dat ik de laatste tijd meer in het Engels typ. Op de website (onderaan) staat een handige tool om tekst te vertalen naar het Nederlands als je wat moeite hebt met Engels.

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