I know the drawings have been a bit dark and heavy lately, and I’m sorry, but that’s how life can be sometimes. Ups and downs, mostly the downs at the moment and that’s okay too. I’m still in the middle of (new) physical examinations. Wishing for better days. Try to get up after hitting rock bottom.🖤
How are you feeling at the moment? Know that your feelings are valid and okay.
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Oh dear Sandra,
I’m so sorry to understand that you are not feeling well. Don’t think I do not want to read about the darker things in your life. We all have darker times now and then and I know about these moments very well. Take care I hope you can find a way to get feeling better soon. You are very dear to me!!
Hi Jann, thank you so much! It always cheers me up when I see your message. I hope you’re doing well, take care as well and thank you!❤