anxiety build up

anxiety build up Ok, so bizarre story: I have drawn this comic a little while back and the plan was to post this past weekend. With a caption explaining how anxiety builds up and that maybe I was exaggerating a bit about how I visualised this comic. ( maybe.. Just maybe a teeny tiny bit 😉 .) But just before weekend I threw my back out and am completely demolished. It’s like I no longer have a back, leg, or knees, my body feels broken. So yeah, this is so typical and strange haha. Because in retrospect it appears that I was not exaggerating at all! 🙂

For if someone is interested in the old caption: “How anxiety builds up. Maybe I have exaggerated a bit, just maybe 😉 but I want to show you guys what pure despair and despondency does to a person. How someone can feel so lost with anxiety levels being sky high and building up, till you can’t hold it in any longer and will burst into tears and then all of a sudden you’re feeling numb. This stuff is just weird. Feelings are weird.”

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